Lake: Dobie
Dates: 5/21-5/27/2011
Group: Bufton
Report: Another great trip with L & M. Beautiful cabin, excellent boats and motors. Arrive on Saturday May 21, weather low 70's cloudy and windy. Went to the river south of the cabin by the rapids and caught ALOT of walleyes. Sunday May 22, another nice day cloudy and windy. Highes in the 60's. Fished the river to the south of the cabin and caught hundreds of walleye. Monday May 23, cold and heavy fog in the am, with off and on rain all day still caught alot of walleyes. Tuesday May 24, cold with rain and snow mix, best fishing day so far we were catching walleye on every drop. Wed, May 25. Went to the river at the north end of the lake, again caught alot of walleyes, we went as far as the rapids. Nice trip. Thursday May 26, weather alot nice and clear with 50's for temps. Today the fishing got harder but still caught fish. Friday May 27th trip ends, time to go home.