Lake: Otatakan
Dates: 9/7/08-9/16/08
Group: Shuey
Report: Arrived at Otatakan morning of 9/7/08, stayed 9 days. Weather was bad most of the time with wind, rain, and cold. However, the fishing was awesome with large numbers and some nice fish caught. Below is our daily count and time of fishing. This was one of the best trips ever. It was 3 total people. Largest walleye for the trip 26 inches, largest northern just over 40 inches. Which we caught 3 northerns at or just above 40 inches.
9/7/08, Day 1, Rigged up after we flew in the morning, fished 4 hours. Rain and windy. 94 walleye, 2 northern
9/8/08, Day 2, 7 hours of fishing. Wind and some rain. 146 walleye and 3 northern. Caught 26 inch walleye
9/9/08, Day 3, 8 hours of fishing. Wind and sunny. 136 walleye and 11 northern
9/10/08, Day 4, 8 hours of fishing. Windy, Windy, and cloudy. 173 walleye, 5 northern
9/11/08, Day 5, 8 hours of fishing. No Wind and Sun. 139 walleye, 25 northern
9/12/08, Day 6, 7 hours of fishing. Sunny and very windy, hard to control the boat out in the wind. 91 walleye, 7 northern. Caught 2 pike 40 inches
9/13/08, Day 7, 5.5 hours of fishing. Sun and rain mix, again very windy. 101 walleye, 5 northern, caught a 40 inch pike
9/14/08, Day 8, 6 hours of fishing. Cloudy with windy, cold, temps in the 40's. 147 walleye, 4 northern
9/15/08, Day 9, 2.5 hours of fishing. Sunny with wind and warm. 70 walleye, 3 northern. Larry and Shane flew in to do some camp work, they stayed for a fish fry.
9/16/08 Flew back home, had a great time
Total numbers for the trip for the 3 of us. 1097 walleye and 62 northern